
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 & How it Introduced us to The Galaxy Experience

On May 14th 2014, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was introduced into our hands. This was the second Galaxy product we purchased, prior we had the Galaxy Media Player which we will be posting about in the future. On that day I had no idea my entire perspective on smart devices would change. As far as cell phones go, I was using the Motorola Droid Razr M at the time (it currently is still in perfect working condition I might add). It was such a rough 2 years with the Motorola. As apps became updated to keep up with new device releases, they also became less responsive with each update, and the phone could no longer keep up with simple tasks. It was time for an upgrade and it seemed like I had already made up my mind before I arrived at the store. I had seen a lot of advertising for the Note 3 and my good friend Alex owned a previous generation Note device, so I was almost positive that was the phone I was purchasing. I arrived at my local Verizon store, and I was told there were no more

Welcome to my Samsung Experience!

Hey there, thank you for visiting! Here you'll be finding all of the inside information about "The Galaxy Experience". We've been utilizing many of Samsung's products to be able to provide you a full review on "The Galaxy Experience", and we hope you enjoy our blog! If you haven't done so already we recommend you visit your local Samsung Experience store, which can be located using They can immerse you into the full scope of products Samsung has, beyond Cellular devices. If you're looking for modern kitchen appliances the Samsung Experience store is the place to go. Refrigerators have cameras in them so you can see what's inside from your phone. We currently have about 9 different Samsung devices we will be walking through, with the first being the Note 3. Make sure you check back for my next post!